Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Laughter the Best Medicine

Laughter- a best medicine

Laughter is the only natural way your internal organs get a massage, the fact revealed by a recent study. It is also a principal element in the digestive process. Simply your body needs it.

And laughter doesn’t stop there. The results of a recent US study found that humor decreases the levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline, helps lower blood pressure and boosts immunity by raising level of antibodies such as T-cells.

A research by Stanford University indicates that a good laugh also makes you more alert, exercises the skeletal muscles and stimulates circulation. In fact 100 laughs a day has the same cardio-respiratory response as 15 minutes of riding a stationary bike.

So what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner comedian:
• Lie in bed and sing a few duets with your partner.
• Devise a humorous answering machine message.
• Tickle your kids.
• Step up a laughter notice board at work or home and pin up funny clippings, cartoons or photos.
• Spend a funny card.
• At your next party rent some DVDs of comedy classics.
• Watch comedies in the media whenever you find time [some channels are there for comedies only].